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How to create strong, secure passwords by learning how to crack them

Create stronger, more secure passwords: We are nagged to do it all the time, but few of us actually make the effort. Meanwhile, passwords continue to be stolen, leaked, and cracked on a regular basis. So this time we’re hoping to get your attention by looking at it from the attacker’s side!

How Just Visiting A Site Could Have Hacked Your iPhone or MacBook Camera

If you use Apple iPhone or MacBook, here we have a piece of alarming news for you. Turns out merely visiting a website — not just malicious but also legitimate sites unknowingly loading malicious ads as well — using Safari browser could have let remote attackers secretly access your device's camera, microphone, or location, and in some cases, saved passwords as well.

Hacked in Translation – from Subtitles to Complete Takeover

Check Point researchers revealed a new attack vector which threatens millions of users worldwide – attack by subtitles. By crafting malicious subtitle files, which are then downloaded by a victim’s media player, attackers can take complete control over any type of device via vulnerabilities found in many popular streaming platforms, including VLC, Kodi (XBMC), Popcorn-Time and We estimate there are approximately 200 million video players and streamers that currently run the vulnerable software, making this one of the most widespread, easily accessed and zero-resistance vulnerability reported in recent years.

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Abonament Plus

Abonament Plus

de la 149 € /luna

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IT Point Services pune la dispozitia dvs. outsourcing-ul IT (externalizarea IT) in completarea unui departament IT deja existent in compania dvs. cat si ca un intreg departament IT (pentru firmele mici si mijlocii). IT Point  poate completa, imbunatati sau chiar inlocui departamentul dvs. IT.

Alegeti confortul unui contract: fara timpi morti beneficiati de preturi foarte competitive; personal tehnic calificat; fara taxa de deplasare si fara costuri suplimentare pentru manopera reparatiilor.Echipamentele pot fi oricare dintre: statie de lucru/ laptop/ imprimanta laserjet/deskjet/ multifunctional laserjet/deskjet/copiator viteza pana la 30 copii/minut - ORICE brand!